Just a Pinch

Day 2 woo hoo! Today wasn’t too much different from yesterday. My day is summed up by multiple pinches to my poor fingers. But that shit won’t get me down! I still solved the shit out of my sons Rubic’s Cube. Could be the highlight of my day.

Journal Entry 002

Today I did adult chores a little, which should be normal, but I took a hiatus from dishes the last few days and it was glorious. Unfortunately that means things pile up and get stinky, so I had to handle that mess. Also tomorrow morning trash trucks come so had to put the trash out. Is it me, or does anyone else use their phone reminders to set a weekly notification to put the trash out.? I also get teased as I have a reminder daily to wear a back support (for posture sitting at the desk all day)

and foot supports

I have weird toes.

Food Diary

I ate damn near the exact same food as the day before. The exception was I added a slice of turkey bacon to my breakfast, skipped a popsicle and had only 1 serving of the pea snacks (because the bag is now empty). Overall not too shabby. Got in another 104 ounces of water as well.


My exercise for the day was more of a change of pace. Normal morning stuff but rather than walks today, I opted for 20 mins 2x today on my elliptical. It was interesting to see that I got about 1/2 the amount of steps counted for this, but the 20 mins was more cardio than fat burn in the heart rate range. Also a plus, the 25 min walk usually burns ~115 calories. The 20 min elliptical burned 135 calories.

Normal Tuesday TurboKick night for my afterwork exercise. I did this video today. Love casting to the tv from phone so I can see it on the big screen. She’s the size of me when I do it in the living room! Social distancing at its finest!

The hubs and I did take the 25 min walk post kitchen cleanup after the sun went down. The heat outside is just beyond at this point. I think my walks during sunlight hours are over (high of 111 tomorrow).

Bruiser Files

This topic will come up frequently. My nickname around the house is “the bruiser”. I often bulldoze over things when I work on projects where I try to muscle through vs taking a delicate approach. I also hurt myself on the regular. People closest to me are convinced I die early of a freak accident due to this streak of “being a bruiser”.

Today I had two incidents with the same pocket door. At this point I think the door is the problem.

  1. Finger pinch: While closing the door I somehow managed to pinch left ring and middle finger into the hole underneath the little pull tab then close the door with them inside, thus pinching them.
  2. Finger smash: The next trip to the room with the door kept fingers clear of the hole but with brute strength slammed my left ring finger between the door and the door jam. (this one still hurts)

This is a minor bruiser incident, no carry-over to the next day should be felt. I do have a slight sensitivity to any damage to my left fingers. I only have 4 that actually function. That accident story is for another day…..


Nothing new purchased today, but something I ordered did arrive. The other day I was browsing Amazon bargains (I browse this every day in fact) and came across something that I liked, so I ordered it and sent it to my friend.

Initial response came in positive with her showing one of her clients and they got a kick out of it. Either way, can you go wrong with whiskey or socks?

Day 2, entry 2 in the books. Time to go and cheer on the hubs for building a new desktop PC for no reason whatsoever other than boredom. The final part was received today and she just booted up!

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